Training FAQ's

Q: Is training required before using ICEFLO? 
We assume that users are already familiar with the concepts relating to Cutover Management. ICEFLO is designed to be easy to learn and can be used immediately. Our customers find that using ICEFLO is extremely intuitive and user friendly. While training is not required, you will get maximum benefit from using ICEFLO if you undertake the small amount of relevant training available which can be in the form of webinars or self-taught on-line training guides. The ICEFLO Training Centre can be accessed here.
Q: Is there training information available for my use?
   Yes! All training documents and videos can be found on the ICEFLO Training Centre here
Q: Can I create my own set of Reports in ICEFLO?  
A: ICEFLO comes with a wide range of shipped reports that we've evolved over the years based on users' needs. It's really easy, however, to create your own bespoke reports that give you the information you really want. You can find some handy tips on how to do that here. 

Questions still not answered? 

Get in touch today and one of the team will be happy to answer any additional questions! 

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