ICEFLO Blog / Planned Change

by Jackie Smith, on 12/05/20 17:31

In a world full of constantly evolving unknowns, change is one of the only sure bets. As situations change, companies that are able to plan for the future and adapt …

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Topics:Planned Change

by Andy Smith, on 03/03/20 13:54

Regardless of your specific business or technology context, the success of any large-scale technology cutover activities will depend to a great degree on an appropriate and effective organisation being put …

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Topics:Disaster RecoveryPlanned ChangeOperational ResilienceCutover PlanningDatacentre MigrationCore Banking Platform MigrationLegacy Technology RefreshCloud MigrationTechnology Cutovers

by Andy Smith, on 03/06/18 09:17

I had a conversation recently with a very experienced Business leader, trying to explain in plain language what ICEFLO is and how to articulate the business benefits. After a few …

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Topics:Planned ChangeCutover PlanningTechnology Cutovers

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