by Jackie Smith, on 12/05/20 17:31

In a world full of constantly evolving unknowns, change is one of the only sure bets. As situations change, companies that are able to plan for the future and adapt …

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Topics:Planned Change

by Jackie Smith, on 05/05/20 15:49

"One ring to rule them all." To borrow (shamelessly) from Tolkien, "one runbook template to rule them all." Isn't that what every sysadmin is looking for? But truthfully, what works …

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by Jackie Smith, on 06/04/20 16:40

"We're undergoing routine maintenance, please try again later.' How many times have you run into this error message when trying to access bank accounts, government websites, online apps or other …

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by Andy Smith, on 03/03/20 13:54

Regardless of your specific business or technology context, the success of any large-scale technology cutover activities will depend to a great degree on an appropriate and effective organisation being put …

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Topics:Disaster RecoveryPlanned ChangeOperational ResilienceCutover PlanningDatacentre MigrationCore Banking Platform MigrationLegacy Technology RefreshCloud MigrationTechnology Cutovers

by Andy Smith, on 30/11/19 18:22

It might seem an odd thing to do, but I spend a lot of time thinking about business and technology cutovers. I have my reasons... as they are central to …

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by Jackie Smith, on 15/08/19 16:03

We’ve all been in that position where we’ve been told by someone senior in our organisation that a new process or tool is being adopted, sometimes with very little warning …

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by Leanna Hodgins, on 07/02/19 10:17

What is the ICEFLO JumpStart Service? Our team are committed to helping you get the most out of ICEFLO and are here to help you hit the ground running, right …

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by Jason Forsyth, on 04/02/19 13:56

Now available on the ServiceNow Store Introduction We are often asked by our many ICEFLO customers "Does ICEFLO integrate with ServiceNow?" The answer to that question is now "Yes". At …

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by Leanna Hodgins, on 30/01/19 15:42

Our latest recruit Lee Burgess took a leap of faith and changed careers after 18 years as a Retail Manager. We recently sat down with him to find out about …

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by Andy Smith, on 10/10/18 12:06

With over a decade’s worth of experience in running, developing, and executing technology cutover plans, we’ve learned one key point: The effective management of issues will have a very significant …

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Topics:Cutover PlanningIssue Management

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