Another New Tool? You've got to be kidding!

by Jackie Smith, on 15/08/19 16:03




We’ve all been in that position where we’ve been told by someone senior in our organisation that a new process or tool is being adopted, sometimes with very little warning. There can be any number of reasons given for the change: to improve efficiency, reduce costs, improve resilience, reduce risks, comply with regulations, improve customer satisfaction, increase collaboration or to outclass competitors. Whatever the rationale, there will almost undoubtedly be a mixed reaction to the initiative. Some may embrace the new process or tool with gusto, others might adjust with some trepidation and a luke-warm approach, and others may be down-right disruptive.

As change, over time, is almost inevitable and sometimes mandatory to tackle the business challenges mentioned above, it is important then, to plan carefully for adopting something new.

With over a decade of experience working with large global organisations, we’ve picked up a few best practice tips along the way and applied them to our own enablement, training and support capabilities.

The Why, the When, the How

The first thing to do is define what is changing and why. What goals will be reached by adopting and embracing change? How has the decision to introduce any change come about and what involvement has there been of the wider team in the decision-making process? Encouraging constructive ideas and contributions from the team in the decision-making process can certainly help to limit any push back on adoption.

Communicate, Communicate and Communicate

The critical key thing to implementing change successfully is to effectively communicate why, when and how. Change can have a varying degree of success, depending on these three factors. If the implementation of change is badly managed, it will be a much harder challenge to get everyone to embrace it. Once the why has been defined, then this needs to be articulated to everyone affected, with a clear plan on when the change comes into effect and how this will be managed. A scheduled plan with clear dates and expectations is important.

Training and Education

If change is brought about without the right level of information being provided or any necessary training given, then expect a greater degree of resistance. A good training plan or briefing pack can support adoption and lessen the likelihood of little or no uptake. You might also have to look at different levels of training for different people, depending on their roles. It’s really important to understand what different roles people might have within your new process or for using a new tool and that they get the right level of training or information to be able to carry out these roles effectively. Facilitating Q&A sessions can be collaborative and useful so that everyone has the chance to ask questions, raise concerns and have these concerns alleviated. Sometimes it’s not enough to learn something new, so an understanding of the context and application of the new methods is necessary.


Even after changes are introduced, good support should be in place so that any residual questions or new scenarios arising can be immediately addressed. You want to ensure that everyone knows where or who they can go to for answers about any new (as well as existing) process, practice or tools. Clear documentation on processes and tools are useful, and best presented in training guides or a comprehensive handbook, that everyone has access to and of course, knows how to access it!

Select the Best in Class

If you’re specifically looking at selecting a new tool or solution to address a business need, it’s definitely worth exploring what vendors can offer in terms of onboarding advice, training options and ongoing support services. Established suppliers should be able to provide a mature and proven end to end enablement and training process that can be adapted to your needs and ensure a smooth transition from the old way to the new, better way.

Cutover on the horizon and want to try a new tool?

Get in touch to find out more about ICEFLO today! 



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